Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, Turkey Day is coming up.  I don't have anything fancy planned, just a turkey dinner with my parents.  I do get some extra time off of school, however, so that's a good thing.

I just had another round of tests, can you believe it?  The math test included extra credit questions, so I got 124%.  I barely squeaked by on the Spanish test with 92%.  I consider myself lucky to have gotten 92% as there was a lot of material covered, and it's getting more complicated.  I do hope to actually learn Spanish too, which is why I'll be studying over the holiday weekend.  I took my Interpersonal Communication test last Monday.  It was an essay test and the teacher still didn't have them graded by Monday.  That's so frustrating.  I hate waiting.  I took a Science test yesterday.  It was hard.  After the test I checked my notes.  I know I got 1 question wrong, but I got the bonus question right.  The bonus question corresponded with a regular test question which was this:  You accidentally knock over a tomato plant on its side.  After about a week or two, what will it look like (draw a picture)?  The bonus question was, "What is the exact term for this?"  The answer is "Negative Gravitropism."  Gee, everybody knows that. ;)  Like I said, it was a hard test.


jamiessmiles said...

92% is scraping by? Wow, you're tough. I can so not handle languages or math. THose were brilliant grades.

Adult Student said...

So nice to see you around here, Jamie. Yeah, I guess I am a little tough on myself. But the reason is that I need to win BIG scholarships, and I know the scholarship committees will be tough on me too.

jamiessmiles said...

True. Which scholarships are you going for?

Adult Student said...

Well... I'm going for the scholarships at the community college that I'm going to. Also, next year I hope to go for the Jack Kent Cooke transfer scholarship. It's a big one--$30,000 per year for up to three years. Also, I'm planning on going for scholarships through the Phi Theta Kappa org, which I hope to become a member of after this semester. They have a few different scholarships.