The following are the top 2 colleges in the NE for adults seeking a bachelor's degree, according to me. I'll admit, I haven't done a thorough researching of all of the possibilities. But from the research that I have done, these were the two that I had to decide between. It's kind of a toss up for me between the two. If I lived close to Harvard, I'd probably go there. But since I live near the University of Pennsylvania, that's where I'm hoping to go. Realistically, there really isn't that much in the way of undergraduate schools specifically for adults. So this list may well be comprehensive. Here's what I found about these two Ivy League schools:
#1 University of Pennsylvania
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Offers a regular bachelor's degree to adults through their College of Liberal Professional Studies (LPS).
Admissions: Does not require SAT scores. Requires a B average or higher, and an admissions essay.
No average age of students given.
#2 Harvard Extension School
Location: Cambridge, MA
Does not offer a regular bachelor's degree to adults, but their equivalancy degree has led students to academic success as graduate students at good schools.
Admissions: Take 3 classes at the Extension School including one expository writing class, get a B+ average or higher, and write an admissions essay.
Does not require SAT scores or prior GPA.
Offers long distance learning for a few concentrated areas of study.
Average age of students: 35
1 comment:
Hmm, so what are the factors that made you come up with your top two? Good thing that you live near one of these colleges you're aiming for, which offer bachelor's degrees to adults. Good luck!
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